How to Embrace Midlife and Your Uranus Opposition.

As I approached the age of 40 years old, I started to feel this intense flame growing inside me that I couldn’t ignore. This flame took me on a journey of small and large transformations in my life. Now, at age 47, I see how much I needed the challenges that led me to live more authentically. Although it was difficult, it created a more blissful version of myself. I learned how much potential I have to create positive change, and how my heart desires to live life differently than what society has taught me is the right way to live. I learned that marriage, in the traditional way, is not aligned with my soul and so I went through major life transitions between the ages of 40-42 that led me on a deeply spiritual journey that is still playing out today. Those transitions were necessary for my soul’s lessons in this world and I am deeply grateful for the person I am today because of the transformation

If you are between the ages of 39 and 42, you’ve probably experienced any number of stressors, including relationship changes, physical changes, and emotional challenges. Most likely, you started to feel your inner world changing around age 39. Our society likes to call this period of our life — the midlife crisis. This time period aligns with a major astrology event for each of us and that is called the Uranus Opposition.

The Uranus Opposition is one of the three critical astrological events in our lives; the others being the Saturn Return and the Jupiter Return. During your Uranus Opposition, the planet Uranus is positioned exactly opposite, in the cosmos, to where it was when you were born. You start the feel the energetic effects of this astrological event at age 39.

Uranus is the planet that brings the energy of change and awakening. It can bring sudden challenges and likes to shake things up in your life so that you remember not to get too comfortable.

Midlife, or Uranus Opposition, is a time when you may face significant changes in your relationships, jobs, spirituality, and health. You may have to deal with illness, career shifts, marital problems, divorce, death, and the early stages of mental or physical decline. 

All of these factors can make this time in your life feel like a crisis, a period of turmoil and confusion that threatens your sense of identity and purpose. You may wonder if this is all there is, or if you have wasted your life. You may feel stuck, unhappy, or dissatisfied with your choices. You may long for something more, something different, something better.

But midlife doesn’t have to be a crisis. It can also be a time of opportunity, growth, and transformation. It can be a time to reconnect with yourself, your values, and your passions. It can be a time to explore new possibilities, pursue new goals, and create new meaning. It can be a time to embrace the changes and make it the best chapter yet!

Here are some tips to help you navigate the challenges and opportunities of midlife:

Accept the reality of midlife/Uranus Opposition. Don’t deny or resist the changes that are happening in your life. Instead, acknowledge them, and try to see them as natural and normal. Midlife is not a disease, a defect, or a failure. It’s a stage of life that everyone goes through, and that has its own joys and sorrows. Accepting the reality of this phase of life can help you cope with the uncertainty it brings.

Reassess your life. This is a time to reflect on your past, present, and future. It’s a time to evaluate your achievements, regrets, and aspirations. It’s a time to figure out who you’ve been, who you are, and who you want to become. Take time to journal about these reflections. Do the inner work and let go of limiting beliefs that are not serving you. Reassessing your life can help you gain clarity, insight, and direction. 

Reinvent yourself. Midlife is a time to experiment with new roles, identities, and experiences. It’s a time to try new things, learn new skills, and discover new aspects of yourself. It’s a time to challenge yourself, stretch yourself, and surprise yourself. Step out of your comfort zone and feel the magical feeling of growth and renewal! Reinventing yourself can help you grow, evolve, and thrive. 

Reclaim your power. This is a perfect time to assert your needs, wants, and boundaries. It’s a time to stand up for yourself, your values, and your dreams. It’s a time to say no to what doesn’t serve you, and yes to what does. It’s a time to take charge of your life and make it your own. When you reclaim your power, you must be ready for the relationship challenges it brings. This is part of releasing the old and creating the new.

Your Uranus Opposition is not a “crisis” like we’ve been conditioned to believe. It’s a chance to embrace the messy middle of your life, and make it the best chapter yet. By accepting the reality of midlife, reassessing what is working for you and not working for you, reinventing yourself, and reclaiming your power, you can turn your midlife challenges into midlife opportunities.

Choose to create a midlife that is meaningful, satisfying, and rewarding!

You can make your midlife the best part of your journey if you choose!

Wishing you a magical Uranus Opposition!

